About Apache Camel with Maven

Apache Camel is an open source project which is almost 5 years old and has a large community of users. At the heart of the framework is an engine which does the job of mediation and routes messages from one system to another. At the periphery it has got a plethora of components that allows interfacing with systems using various protocols (e.g. FTP(s), RPC, Webservices, HTTP, JMS, REST etc). Also it provides easy to understand domain specific language in Java, Spring and Scala.

Course Content

Integration Styles and Enterprise Integration
 Why we care about Integration?
 Integration Styles
 Coupling
2. Apache Camel Core
 Message
 Exchange
 Camel Context
 Processor
 Camel DSL
 Data format
 Type Converters
3. Maven
 What is apache maven?
 Maven Repositories
 Packaging
 Dependencies management
 Plugins Management
4. Building Camel project with Maven
 Maven dependencies for Apache Camel
 Setting up your Maven Project
 Packaging Camel with Maven
 Running your Apache Camel project
5. Routing & Channels
 routing request with Camel
 End point and communication with FTP
 Creating routes using the JAVA & Spring
 Understanding Channel in Camel
 Point to Point Channel
 Publish Subscribe Channel
6. Error Handling
 Handling error and exception in Camel
 onException
 Dead Letter Channel
 Message redelivery
 errorHandler
 Out of the box thinking as used by camel
7. Components, Endpoint, Producer and Consumer
 VM
 Timer
 File
 ActiveMQ
 Camel Cloud Components(AWS,GAE)
 And more ….
8. Testing
 Camel Test Support
 Unit Test Camel Application
9. Enterprise Integration Patterns using Camel
 Message Filter
 Wire Tap
 Multicast
 Splitter
 Aggregator
 Recipient List
 Throttler
 Dynamic Routing
 Routing Slip
10. Concurrency & Scalability
 Increasing message consumption through multiple endpoint consumers
 Spreading the load within a route using a set of threads
 Routing a request asynchronously
 Using custom thread pools
 Using thread pool profiles
 Working with asynchronous APIs
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11. Running & Deploying Camel
 Running standalone Camel
 Running with Broker
12. Case Study
 Real Time Case study with Camel
13. Managing and Monitoring Camel
 Howtio
 Camel Context

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