Neo4j is a leading Graph Database, a popular tool for working with data which is highly connected, and used for a variety of intelligent applications such as recommendation engine, fraud detection, master data management, identity and access management, network and IT operations, and many more.
This two-day training program provides an understanding of graph modeling, and a strong foundation for managing and querying data using Neo4j, including using its Java driver.
Understanding Graph database concepts
Managing data in Neo4j
Querying data using Cypher
Data modeling using Neo4j
Building applications using Neo4j Java driver
Pre- requisites
• Must be proficient at using a computer, installing new applications
• Have a general understanding of what a database is and how it can be used
• Ideally have some previous experience using other types of databases
Course Content
Module 1: Getting Started
Introduction to NoSQL
Introduction to graphs
Introduction to Neo4j
Launching Neo4j
Module 2: Querying Data Using Cypher
Simple retrieval queries
Graph traversal queries
Aggregation functions
Module 3: ManagingData Using Cypher
Creating nodes
Creating relationships
Updating nodes and relationships
Deleting nodes and relationships
Importing data into Neo4j
Module 4: Advanced Cypher queries
Recommendation Engine
ACL structures
Multirelational graphs
Miscellaneous examples
Module 5: Performance
Understanding query execution plan
Profiling queries
Starting point operators
Expand and combining operators
Row operators
Update operators
Module 6: Data Modelling Using Neo4j
Graph data modeling principles and guidelines
Optimizing data models for performance
Optimizing data models for ease of querying
Module 7: Programming with Neo4j
Neo4j Java driver
Neo4j with spring framework
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