TDD- Test driven Development and BDD – Behavior driven development is popular mostly within a self-organized team. TDD / BDD and refactoring helps the team to minimize technical debts and write only code that’s needed as per business conditions. This training is completely hands-on and team should follow technologies like Java.
About TDD, BDD
Required: solid hands-on understanding of the life-cycle of software projects
Highly Recommended: some understanding of OO concepts and an OO language
Course Content
- Introduction to Unit test, unit test characteristics
- Test Driven Development – why, what and how
- TDD Cycle – Red, Green, and Refactor
- TDD helps you design software
- Why testing first is better than testing after Multiple classroom
- Multiple classroom exercises on TDD
- Overview of Refactoring
- Clean Code principle
- SOLID Principle with Example
- Refactoring for Maintainability and Refactoring to Patterns
- How to use mocking frameworks?
- How to effectively translate technical specs into tests
- XP Mantras
- SMART Model of Task
- Epic Theme & Agile Spike
- Requirement Prioritization Technique – MOSCOW Model
- INVEST Model of a user story, DEEP Model
- Refactoring: What is refactoring? Example. Exercise.
- Purpose and Advantages of Automated Unit Testing.
- Creating Testing class, writing Test functions, various important Assert statements, Setup, and Teardown for a Unit, ignoring a test, ensuring that a Test function throws the necessary exception and passing parameters to Test functions.
- Agile Architect principles
- Using mocks. Compare writing mocks with hand with creation by the framework. Exercise on creating mocks using framework.
- Definition of a Unit Test, Properties of a good Unit Test
- Theory of Continuous Integration (CI): why is CI needed?
- BDD – Behavior-driven development with Example
- Introduce to Cucumber Tool with Example for BDD
- What is Dependency Injection (DI)? Why is it needed usually with Unit Testing?
- Writing tests for Legacy code i.e. existing code with no tests. Different ways to break dependencies in existing code.
- Unit test patterns. Smells to recognize flawed or badly written unit tests.
- Code coverage
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